Crime Writers of Canada's Podcast
A bi-weekly podcast by a national professional association for mystery and crime writers in Canada.
Crime Writers of Canada (CWC) is a national non-profit organization for Canadian mystery and crime writers, associated professionals, and others with a serious interest in Canadian crime writing. Our mission is to promote Canadian crime writing and to raise the profile of Canadian crime writers with readers, reviewers, librarians, booksellers, and media.
Hosted by Erik D'Souza
Crime Writers of Canada's Podcast
donalee Moulton: Troubled Water
donalee Moulton’s story, Troubled Water, has been nominated for an Award of Excellence in The Best Crime Short Story category.
Donalee has been writing professionally for over 25 years. She has been published in The Globe and Mail, Chatelaine, Maclean’s, Canadian Business, and The National Post. Her short story, “Swan Song,” is in the CWC anthology Cold Canadian Crime and was also nominated for an Award of Excellence.
Her first mystery book, Hung Out to Die, was published in 2023, and her second novel, Conflagration, was published in 2024.
Donalee is the Atlantic Provinces Regional Rep for the CWC.
Previous interviews with donalee:
Cold Canadian Crime: https://youtu.be/nKvb6cYTcN8
2023 Awards of Excellence: https://youtu.be/C27PiyqYpYs
CWC podcast discussing Conflagration: https://www.buzzsprout.com/2232876/14823840
Learn more about Crime Writers of Canada at: crimewriterscanada.com
Find past video interviews at: youtube.com/@crimewritersofcanada1279